Lateralization to Bioelectronic Medicine

Thinking only about a problem or a few topics and objects makes your cerebrum (the biggest part of your brain) weak. For example, if you think only about earning more money, you will have lesser memory power than thinking about multiple aspects of your life. Often it has been observed that those students who have been attracted to the other sex (so-called fall-in-love) are not able to remember even a simple aspect of the lesson. The reason for the weak cerebrum is overthinking about one aspect of life. If overthinking about one aspect is not diverted to the other, it could be more hazardous to brain health in the future.

1. Impact of thinking only about a problem on your Cerebrum

Family conflicts often reduce the capacity of the cerebrum of their family members. This is because of overthinking the conflict issues and the consequences between members. For example, conflicts between husband-wife, brother-sister, friends, colleagues, and parents confine the development of the cerebrum. If you encounter such conflicts, it’s best to ignore them, walk away, and focus on something else. Remember, concentrating your brain on one aspect will destroy your future and destiny.

Impact of Conflict on the Cerebrum

Those who are successful and leading in the world often don’t have common conflicts with family members and friends. In some cases, they don’t have family or friends to fight with at all.

2. Improvement of health and capacity of the Cerebrum?

Your future success highly depends on the health and capacity of your brain. You can enhance your brain’s capacity by engaging with various aspects of life. For example, spend time daily on sports, arts and crafts, history, science, technology, family, entertainment, love, and romance. Recently, yoga has become a widely accepted method to enhance brain capacity.

However, this doesn’t mean a person with free time will have a strong brain. A person who doesn’t have anything to do will have a lower brain capacity and may forget things quickly. This is because they only think about a few aspects of life.

3. Derdevelopment of Cerebrum

Most of the development of the cerebrum occurs up to the age of 15 years. In some cases, it is beyond 15 years up to 25 years. However, certain developments can still happen beyond 25 years in some cases. Thus, manage to engage your life with multi-tasking and a lot of pressure till 25 years. Later on, you can focus on a few aspects more to complete the social responsibility without hampering your cerebrum with internal fights.

It has been further observed that those who have scored perfect marks in most subjects in their schooling often do not achieve the level of success in their careers. This is because they concentrated more on formal education and neglected other aspects of life. Balancing all aspects of life is crucial for achieving success.

4. State and conditions of the Hypothalamus

So far it looks simple to manage the problems of our life, but actually, it is not so simple. The reason is the state and condition of our hypothalamus (part of the brain) and surrounding conditions (environment).

Hypothalamus is the most crucial and dangerous part of our brain which will not allow things to be so simple. Since the hypothalamus controls internal parts of our body such as emotion, love, sex, hatred, anger, internal pain, hunger, thrush, etc. In addition, it controls the release of hormones required for metabolic activities. It ceases all the brain functions including logic, facts, understanding, and sometimes memory during a hyperactive condition. For example, if you have a strong feeling for sex and you cannot do it at this moment, in that kind of situation you can’t concentrate on your other work because of the hyperactive hypothalamus. You can’t do anything at that moment.

Thinking only about a problem
Know your brain

Now the question is what to do at that moment. If you try to do something else, it will not be effective.

5. Impact of food habits and environment on the hypothalamus

Then what is the solution? Do not allow your hypothalamus to turn into a hyperactive condition. This is possibly by changing food habits. Some foods and ingredients, such as spicy and oily, can quickly activate the hypothalamus. For instance, garlic and onion contain high amounts of sulfur, which helps the hypothalamus. In addition, the effectiveness of hypothalamus management also depends on the surrounding environmental conditions. To effectively manage the hypothalamus, it’s essential to have a healthy environment. Remember, life is short, and you have many other things to focus on besides dwelling solely on a problem.

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