COMPETITIVE EXAM MCQs SERIES of ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE for UGC-NET/JRF, SLET, ARS, GATE, and other entrance tests – Environmental Impact Assessment and Statement.
Syllabus Outline
- Definition, objectives, key principles and benefits of EIA.
- Steps in the EIA process (e.g. screening, scoping, baseline studies, impact prediction, mitigation, monitoring, and management).
- Public participation and stakeholder engagement in EIA.
- National and international laws governing EIA.
- Key regulations and guidelines (e.g., EIA Notification 2006 and amendments in India).
- Role of government agencies and regulatory bodies in EIA.
- Environmental Baseline Data Collection.
- Methods for identifying and predicting environmental impacts.
- Quantitative and qualitative assessment techniques.
- Use of modelling and simulation in impact prediction.
- Mitigation Measures and Alternatives.
- Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA).
This quiz contains the concept-based most frequently asked 25 MCQs of “Environmental Impact Assessment and Statement“. Each question has a single correct/most appropriate answer.
1. What is the correct order of the EIA process?
a) Screening – Scoping – Public Consultation – Appraisal
b) Screening – Public Consultation – Scoping – Appraisal
c) Scoping – Screening – Public Consultation – Appraisal
d) Appraisal – Screening – Public Consultation – Scoping
2. As per the latest amendment in the EIA Notification 2006, EIA is not compulsory for:
a) Category A Projects
b) Category B1 Projects
c) Category B2 Projects
d) All of the above
3. Which authority finalizes the date, time, and venue for the public hearing as per the EIA Notification, 2006?
a) Ministry of Environment and Forests
b) Member-Secretary of the concerned SPCB or UTPCC
c) District Magistrate
d) Project Proponent
4. Which document must the applicant submit for the EIA process?
a) Final Environment Impact Assessment Report
b) Project Feasibility Report
c) Videotape of public hearing proceedings
d) All of the above
5. Who publicises the draft EIA Report within their jurisdictions?
a) Ministry of Environment and Forests
b) District Magistrate
c) Concerned Regional Office of MoEF&CC
d) SPCB or UTPCC concerned
6. Which stage of the EIA process identifies key issues and concerns?
a) Screening
b) Scoping
c) Impact Analysis
d) Monitoring
7. Which of the following is NOT included in an EIA report?
a) Project description
b) Mitigation measures
c) Financial statements
d) Baseline environmental data
8. What is Cumulative Impact Assessment?
a) Assessment of multiple impacts from a single project
b) Assessment of impacts from multiple projects in a region
c) Financial assessment of multiple projects in a region
d) Legal assessment of multiple projects in a region
9. Assessing biodiversity is crucial because:
I – It provides a baseline that helps to identify the potential impacts of the proposed project.
II – It is a sensitive indicator of environmental changes.
III – It helps to develop effective mitigation strategies to minimize negative impacts.
IV – It helps to expand the projects without EIA.
a) I only
b) I and II
c) I, II and III
d) I, II, III and IV
10. Which of the following is an example of a mitigation measure in an EIA?
a) Conducting a baseline study
b) Constructing a wastewater treatment plant
c) Preparing an Environmental Management Plan
d) Performing a cost-benefit analysis
11. Which principle is central to the EIA process?
a) Polluter pays principle
b) Precautionary principle
c) Principle of sustainable development
d) User pays principle
12. Which of the following best describes Strategic Environmental Assessment?
a) Assessment of strategic military projects
b) Assessment of policies, plans, and programs
c) Strategic assessment of individual projects
d) Environmental assessment of strategic activities
13. What is the difference between EIA and SEA?
I – EIA is for specific projects, while SEA is for policies and plans
II – EIA is voluntary, while SEA is mandatory
III – EIA considers socio-economic factors, while SEA does not
IV – SEA is limited to developed countries
a) I only
b) I and II
c) I, II and III
d) I, II, III and IV
14. In which phase of the EIA process are the Terms of Reference prepared?
a) Screening
b) Scoping
c) Impact Assessment
d) Monitoring
15. Which tool is often used to visualize project potential impacts on different environmental components?
a) Environmental Impact Matrix
b) SWOT Analysis
c) Cost-Benefit Analysis
d) Cumulative impact assessment
16. Which sector requires an EIA before project approval?
a) Healthcare
b) Education
c) Mining
d) Retail
17. What is the indirect impact assessed in an EIA?
I – Increase in local employment
II – Air emissions from construction
III – Water pollution from discharge
IV – Soil erosion during excavation
a) I only
b) I and II
c) I, II and III
d) I, II, III and IV
18. What is the purpose of an Environmental Impact Statement?
a) To promote the project to investors
b) To document the findings of the EIA process
c) To determine project feasibility
d) To allocate project funds
19. Which type of impact is considered in the Environmental Impact Assessment and Statement framework?
a) Environmental
b) Social, Economic and Ecological
c) Local community and Environmental
d) It depends on the category of the projects
20. Which stage of the EIA process involves public and stakeholder engagement?
a) Screening
b) Scoping
c) Impact Assessment
d) All of the above
21. Which international convention emphasizes EIAs for projects likely to have significant environmental impacts?
a) Kyoto Protocol, 1997
b) Rio Declaration, 1992
c) Paris Agreement, 2015
d) Stockholm Declaration, 1972
22. Which environmental component is typically evaluated using dispersion modelling in an EIA?
a) Water quality
b) Air quality
c) Noise levels
d) Soil fertility
23. Which document is prepared at the end of the EIA process to summarize findings and recommendations?
a) Environmental Clearance Certificate
b) Environmental Impact Statement
c) Terms of Reference
d) Environmental Management Plan
24. As per the latest amendment of EIA notification 2006, which authority is responsible for Environmental Impact Assessment and Statement execution for category A projects?
a) State Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA)
b) National Environment Impact Assessment Authority (NEIAA)
c) Member-Secretary of the concerned SPCB or UTPCC
d) Concerned Regional Office of MoEF&CC
25. What is included in the scoping process?
I – Baseline description and potential additional data collection needs
II – Description of environmental impacts and creation of contingency plan
III – Defining a set of criteria to assess the projects
IV – Settling of an expert team that will conduct EIA
a) I only
b) I and II
c) I, III and IV
d) I, II, III and IV
Previous: Sources and Management of Plastic Waste
- Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (2006) EIA Notification 2006 and Amendments. Government of India
- Noble, B. F. (2015) Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment: A Guide to Principles and Practice. Oxford University Press, 3rd edition.
- Jain, R. K., Urban, L. V., Stacey, G. S., & Balbach, H. E. (2001) Environmental Impact Analysis: A New Dimension in Decision Making. McGraw-Hill, 2nd edition.
- Babu, S. P. (2016) Environmental Impact Assessment in India: Theory and Practice. Oxford University Press.